(1985:51) says it is possible to classify the reasons for second language
learning so that they reflect some ultimate goal. Once classified, the various
categories would seem best identified as orientations in order to maintain
conceptual clarity. Ellis (1986:300) agrees with the need to classify the
reasons for language learning when he puts forward that ‘motivation in language
learning can be defined in terms of the learner’s overall goal or orientation.’
Gardner (1985:51) argues that ‘this terminology (orientations) was introduced
by Gardner and Lambert (1972) when they focused on two types of orientations, integrative
and instrumental, and subsequent studies have tended to focus on
these orientations.’ Lambert (1974:98) states that a distinction is often made
between the two types of orientation (integrative and instrumental). He
observes that: An integrative
orientation toward language study reflects ‘a sincere and personal interest in
the people and culture represented by the other group.’
An instrumental orientation emphasizes ‘the practical
value and advantages of learning a new language.’ The integrative orientation
thus stresses an emotional involvement with the other community, while the
instrumental orientation does not necessarily.
In agreement, Brown (1987:115) and Ellis (1986:300)
also cite ‘instrumental motivation’, which is said to occur when the learner’s
goal is function (e.g. to get a job or pass an examination) and
‘integrative motivation’, which occurs when the learner wishes to identify with
the culture of the L2 group.’ Ellis (1985), in Young (1987:87), offers a
practical example of instrumental motivation when he reports that: Many African
students have a strong instrumental motivation to learning. Education is seen
as the passport to a salaried post. Examination success is vital.
Abdul Chaer, Leonie
Agustina. 2004. Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Harimurti Kridalaksana.
2001. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta:
PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Mansoer, Pateda. 1990.
Sosiolinguistik. Bandung:
Nababan, P.W.J. 1986.
Sosiolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta:
PT. Gramedia.
Suwito. 1983. Pengantar
Awal Sosiolinguistik Teori dan Problema. Surakarta:
Henari Offset Solo.
Dec, 5th 2011, 12:27 P.M. Dec, 5th
2011, 12:27, P.M.
Dec, 5th 2011, 12:27, P.M.
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