Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Cara Mudah Menghafal Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Banyak yang bilang menghafal tenses itu bikin pusing, Bt in dan males banget. Bagi yang sedang mempelajari tata bahasa inggris / english grammar mungkin terbiasa menghafal tenses dengan cara seperti ini :

S + (VI + (s/es))
S + shall/will + VI
S + did + not + VI
S + do/does + not + VI
S + shall/will + not + VI
did + S + VI
do/does + S + VI
shall/will + S + VI
S + (were/was) + (VI+ing)
S + (am,are,is) + (VI+ing)
S + shall/will + be + (VI+ing)
S + (am,are,is) + not + (VI+ing)
S + shall/will + not + be + (VI+ing)
(were/was)+S + (VI+ing)
(am,are,is) + S + (VI+ing)
(shall/will) + S + be + (VI+ing)
S + had + VIII
S + (have/has) + VIII
S + (shall/will) + have + VIII
S + had + not + VIII
S + (have/has) + not + VIII
S + (shall/will) + not + have + VIII
had + S + VIII
(have/has) + S + VIII
(shall/will) + S + VIII
perfect continuous
S + had + been + (VI+ing)
S + (have/has) + been + (VI+ing)
had + S + been + (VI+ing)
(have/has) + S + been + (VI+ing)

Baru ngeliat tabelnya aja udah capek duluan. Terus gimana? Jangan sedih, daripada pusing, yuk kita coba cara yang satu ini yang aku dapet

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Narcissistic History

Uncovering the Origins of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
While the concept of narcissism dates back thousands of years, narcissistic personality disorder only became a recognized illness within the last 50 years. In order to better understand how psychologists and researchers view NPD, it is essential to take a closer look at how this personality disorder came to be.
Freud and Psychoanalytic View of Narcissism

Narcissistic personality disorder has its earliest roots in ancient Greek mythology. According to the myth, Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man. Upon seeing his reflection on the water for the first time, he became so enamored that he could not stop gazing at his own image. He remained at the water's edge until he eventually wasted to death.

The concept of excessive self-admiration has also been explored by various philosophers and thinkers throughout history. In the past, the idea was known as hubris, a state of extreme arrogance and haughtiness that often involves being out of touch with reality. It wasn't until fairly recently that the notion of narcissism as a disorder became a subject of scientific interest in the field of psychology.

During the early 1900s, the topic of narcissism started to attract interest in the growing school of thought known as psychoanalysis. Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank published one of the earliest descriptions of narcissism in 1911, in which he connected it to self-admiration and vanity.

In 1914, the famous Sigmund Freud published a paper titled On Narcissism: An Introduction. Freud suggested that narcissism is actually a normal part of the human psyche. He referred to this as primary narcissism, or the energy that that lies behind each person's survival instincts. In Freud's theory of personality, people are born without a basic sense of self. It is only through the experiences that occur during infancy and early childhood that people gain what is known as ego, or a sense of self. As children interact with the outside world, they begin to learn social norms and cultural expectations leading to the development of an ego idea, or a perfect image of oneself that the ego strives to attain.

Another important part of Freud's theory is the idea that this love of one's self could be transferred onto another person or object. By giving away love, Freud suggested that people experienced diminished primary narcissism, leaving them less able to nurture, protect and defend themselves. In order to replenish this capacity, he believed that receiving love and affection in return was vital.


Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

My Simple Statement

There are many things that Indonesian should do to make Indonesia better than before. In this section is focus on education. Now is talking about the knowledge and economic aspects. Deeply it is about Increasing the knowledge and starts from the teacher. How’s Indonesia country take the test is the controversial. The facts, in Indonesia use the multiple choice test to know how far the teacher ability (in competency test). This kind of the test is doing not suitable as the one kind of the test. As the minister of education in Indonesia should observe, does it effective? If it does not effective, it should add the sequence test. The first, the teacher who enroll the competency test should give some training how

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Seni Karawitan

Ada banyak hal yang menarik di Indonesia. Dari mulai alamnya, culture nya, manusianya, dan masih banyak lagi apabila kita amati secara detail. Terutama culture di Indonesia yang memang sangat beraneka ragam. Banyak faktor yang menbuat culture itu menjadi menarik dan unik. Contonya karena letak geografisnya, sejarah terdahulu sehingga mewariskan budaya yang sangan beranekaragam. Contohnya masyarakat Jawa. Begitu banyak kesenian yang diwariskan dari yang terdahulu mereka. Seni Karawitan contohnya.


ICT is Importan, Is it right?

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them.

What are these things? How do they work? How do you use them productively? How are they deployed, assembled, managed and maintained to create productive systems? How they are used in specific business and industry settings? What are