Language is a mental attitude or feelings towards the position of its own
language or language of others (Kridalaksana, 2001:197). In the Indonesian
language attitudes word can refer to the body shape, the upright standing
position, behavior or gestures, and actions or action taken based on the view
(establishment, beliefs, or opinions) as a reaction to the existence of a thing
or event.
Attitude is a psychological phenomenon, which usually manifests in the form
of action or behavior. Attitudes can not be observed directly. To observe the
attitude can be seen through the behavior, but various studies show that what
appears in the behavior does not always indicate attitudes. Vice versa, one's
attitude is not always reflected in his behavior.
Circumstances and the attitude formation process is not far from the state
language and the attitude formation process in general. As with the attitude,
the attitude is also the language of mental events that can not be observed
directly. Language attitudes can be observed through the behavior of
speech-language or behavior. But in this case also apply provided that not
every speech behavior reflects the attitude of the language. Likewise, language
attitudes are not always reflected in the behavior of speech. The difference
between language and parole (de Saussure, 1976),